Tagged: creativity

3 | Skip intro

Posted: 05 Feb 202352weeksphotographycreativityselfcloseup

I almost copped out and posted yet another running selfie today! All of the snaps on my phone were pretty lame though and I’m trying not to be lazy with this project. Instead, I reached for my Olympus DSLR and tried to create something a little more interesting. I didn’t have any clear idea, vision or concept in mind so I shot off 6-8 frames of me holding an LED desk lamp over my head in a dark room and then tweaked things a little in Adobe Lightroom. The shot won’t win any…read more

2 | Running around

Posted: 29 Jan 202352weeksphotographycreativityselfrunning

This is the second in my series of self-portraits (read about more about the project here). As I suggested in the first post some of the project would likley be snaps taken on my iphone - and this one falls into that category. I’ve only recently switched to an iphone and actually I’m quite happy with the quality of this shot. The photo was taken by setting a 10 second timer and propping up the phone precariously on the top of a fence post with suport from a small rock I…read more

1 | Seeking inspiration and comfort

Posted: 19 Jan 202352weeksphotographycreativityself

I’m committing to capture and publish a self-portrait with a short accompanying post here on my blog each week. Some weeks I might aim for an abstract creative masterpiece - adorned with filters, photoshop magic and flying unicorns. Sometimes it might just be a photo of my feet snapped on my iphone. Most weeks will fall somewhere in between (just like this first specimen). The only real rule is some part of me has to be in the frame. I’d like to get a collection of images…read more