Posts tagged: weeknote

Week6 - Range

21 February 2020

Reflecting on a busy, challenging week and thoughts on being a multi-hyphenate, balancing various roles and interests.

#weeknote #rarenote

Week5 - Late Notes

1 May 2019

I share late notes from a busy week. Highlights include a productive work return, attending an AWS event, and discussing feedback methods.


Week4 - 333 Slides

12 April 2019

I summarize the week just gone, including completing an ODI course and learning about GDPR.


Week3 - Dear Diary

6 April 2019

I share late notes from a busy week, feeling refreshed after Easter break. Highlights include a productive work return, attending an AWS event, and discussing feedback methods.


Week2 - How High

29 March 2019

I tackle a high ropes course, pushing my limits and reflecting on the experience. I share insights on teamwork, challenge, and progress, plus weekly highlights in study, projects, and social events.
