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TGF parkrun data dive

Posted: 19 Mar 2022experimentsdatatechdatavizparkrun

Anyone who follows me on twitter will have possibly noticed that parkrun has become a bit of an obsession for me lately. There are a few reasons for this which I’m sure I’ll write about another day. The short story though is that I’m currently loving it and in my spare time I volunteer as part of the core event team for The Great Field parkrun which is conveniently just a few minutes walk from my…read more

Week6 - Range

Posted: 21 Feb 2020weeknotesrarenotes

I took the role of ‘master of ceremonies’ at a recent full FG team meeting and started by sharing some key messages from the management team. One of these went along the lines of ‘Hey February is shaping up to be pretty dang BUSY! let’s have each others backs, look after yourselves, think ahead/anticipate, communicate…’ etc etc. This week I’m finishing with my own words echoing around in my brain…read more

Fresh paint

Posted: 28 Jan 2020datatechexperimentsclimate

It feels like I change blogging platforms more often than I actually write blog posts…but rather than just a desire to apply a fresh coat of paint this time my rebuild had purpose. I had three main goals in mind… 1. Reducing my hosting costs Considering I seldom post or get much traffic to my website and I burnt through my free AWS credits sometime back paying for an EC2 instance on a monthly…read more

Let's keep talking about this

Posted: 15 Oct 2019BLAWbabylossreflectionbreakthesilence

This is a repost of the image and text I shared last year on instagram at the end of baby loss awareness week. After posting I had two people come and talk to me about recent experiences they had gone through, who seemed genuinely grateful that I shared (I don’t often get this reaction to my social posts 😂). I repost with the same sentiment. Baby loss is common and hard on all of those involved…read more

Week5 - Late Notes

Posted: 01 May 2019weeknotes

I was hoping to post these last Friday but I got side-tracked with all of the other things! Main point to note was that I returned back from a much needed Easter Break feeling massively refreshed. 3 Highlights 1. General Vibes - As hinted at above it was actually just really nice to be back at work having a renewed sense of energy & perspective following my Easter break with family and friends…read more