Let's keep talking about this
15 October 2019
Discussing Baby Loss Awareness Week, emphasizing the importance of breaking the silence and sharing personal stories.
15 October 2019
Discussing Baby Loss Awareness Week, emphasizing the importance of breaking the silence and sharing personal stories.
1 May 2019
I share late notes from a busy week. Highlights include a productive work return, attending an AWS event, and discussing feedback methods.
12 April 2019
I summarize the week just gone, including completing an ODI course and learning about GDPR.
6 April 2019
I share late notes from a busy week, feeling refreshed after Easter break. Highlights include a productive work return, attending an AWS event, and discussing feedback methods.
29 March 2019
I tackle a high ropes course, pushing my limits and reflecting on the experience. I share insights on teamwork, challenge, and progress, plus weekly highlights in study, projects, and social events.
25 March 2019
A post about my some website experiments - from ghost blogging throught to static site generators and all the things in between
15 March 2019
I share highlights from the week: valuable family time, engaging community practice sessions, and progress in my data visualization studies.
25 November 2018
I reflect on homesickness after two years of splitting my life between Dorset and London, discussing the persistent feelings of anxiety and displacement.
4 December 2017
I give advice on what makes a great retrospective: dedicating time, celebrating successes, fostering team building, encouraging honesty, and focusing on actionable outcomes.